Start accepting credit cards directly from your website for less!
For you to be able to accept credit card online, you'll need an online merchant
account first.
We'll show you how to get a lower rate
merchant account here
so that
save money on fees while being able to accept
the following major credit cards:
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
What is a merchant account?
A merchant account is a special account that allows for your credit card sales
to be automatically deposited directly into your bank account on a daily
There are two main types of merchant accounts: retail or online.
You should never use a retail merchant account for online transactions
you want to get hit with very high penalty rates. Thus, if you want to
credit cards online,
you need to get an merchant account setup
especially for online transactions.
Depending on your credit history, business volume, and number
of years in business,
the rates attached to your merchant account
may vary. Because we know that our clients
want the lowest
possible rate and without gimmicks, we partnered up with
two of the most reliable and reputable financial backbones such as
Vital/Visanet and FirstData to ensure favorable merchant account rates.
The following chart shows our rates for online merchants with good credit
in an industry that is not deemed as high risk: (retail merchant
rates are lower) |


Compare Type of Fees: |
Other Merchant Account
Providers Rates: |
Our HostSite Special
Ecommerce Merchant Account Rates: |
Application Fee: |
$99.00 - $200 |
Free at HostSite |
Qualified Discount Rate: |
2.39% |
2.20% Save Here! |
Per-Transaction Fee: |
$0.35 |
$0.25 Save Here! |
Monthly Statement Fee: |
$20 per month |
$10.00 per month
Save Here! |
Per-Transaction AVS Fee: |
$0.05 |
$0.05 |
Annual Fee: |
$49-$100 |
Free at HostSite |
Statement Monthly Minimum: |
$25.00 |
$25.00 |
After you get your merchant account, you can start accepting
credit cards from customers online.
Click here to
apply for your merchant account today.
Authorize.net Payment Gateway Setups At Cost:
If you want to use your merchant account to process over the
you will need to connect it to a payment gateway.
HostSite can setup the merchant account into the Authorize.net
payment gateway.
As a token of our appreciation for your business, we will give you
the Authorize.net
gateway at our cost. You only have to pay the $49 setup fee which
covers our cost.
You will then be billed by Authorize.net, $15 per month, and $0.05
per transaction
to keep the account open there. We make no money off this.
To see how you can increase sales by accepting credit cards online,
call us now at:
Everything begins with building your website:
To get your own custom .com, .net,
.org website name today, click here