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Web Hosting ASP and ASP.NET

ASP Scripting

Note: You can use either ASP or .NET, However, you can not use both of them at the same time.

To enable either ASP or .NET
1. Login to Account Manager
2. Click on "Hosting Accounts"
3. Click on the "WebSite Manager" button next to your hosting domain name
    to launch your WebSite Manager Control Panel.
4. On the top left corner of the  WebSite Manager Control Panel page,
    click on "Site Builders" from the menu.
5. Then click on "ASP / CFM Enabler"
6. Select the "ASP" tab.
7. Check either "standard" or "Secure (SSL)" depending on which you will be using.
Note: To enable ASP using the "standard" option, you must have at least one ASP file in the "public" directory first.
    To enable ASP using the "Secure (SSL)" option, you must have at least one ASP file in the "secure" directory first.
8. Click on "Ok/Apply"

What is the DSN connection string for ASP to use with databases:
DSN connection for MS Access:

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "DSN=prefix_domain_com"

DSN connection for MySQL:
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "DSN= prefix_domain_com;;PWD=password"

What is the DSN-less connection strings for ASP to use with databases:
DSNless connection for MS Access:

mdbfile = "/stuff/database.mdb"
connstr = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPah( mdbfile ) & ";"
DSNless connection for MySQL:

Where to upload ASP scripts:
Upload your asp programs to the "public" directory folder.

What is the path to the SendMail Program?

What is the absolute path to: (Use the following format, but do not take it literally!)
cgi-bin directory:  /services/webpages/
public  directory:  /services/webpages/
private directory:  /services/webpages/



Just as an example using domain name:
The absolute path to the cgi-bin directory for this case would be:

Follow the example format for to derive the absolute paths for your own hosting domain name.


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