How do I edit the ownership or WHOIS contact
information for my domain name? |
You can easily edit and change the ownership or
WHOIS contact information for your domain
within seconds from inside
Account Manager.
1. Login
Account Manager.
2. Click on "Domain Accounts" link.
3. Select your domain name to manage.
4. Click on "organization contact" link to modify
the domain ownership information.
5. You can use this same method to change the "admin
contact" as well.
Please note: By default, the PrivateWhois setting is
set to
'protect email address' enabled.
This means when you update the WHOIS, we store a
copy of your real email address
for only us to know, while we submitting to
the actual WHOIS database our own email address
which will be displayed as:
We do this to protect you against spammers who
extract the WHOIS database
for email addresses. An extraction of the WHOIS for
email address will only yield them
email address, which is of no use to them.
If someone wants to contact you, the domain owner,
regarding your domain name,
they will have to message you through our website
Ever wondered where spammer get your email address?
Most people don't realize that whenever they
register a domain name,
their email address is listed in the WHOIS and open
for spammers to harvest.
However, our PrivateWhois feature helps put an end
to this.
If you like how our PrivateWhois feature is
protecting you from spam,
please help other people, by letting them know how
to protect themselves.
To use PrivateWhois to protect your physical
address, you must enable the "address protection"
feature for your domain. To do this.
1. Login
Account Manager.
2. Click on "Domain Accounts" link
3. Select the domain name you want to manage.
4. Click on "Change PrivateWhois Protection
Settings" link
5. Check the box to 'enable address protection'
your domain now!